Blog Posts
University of Rhode Island faculty to receive Institute of Coaching excellence award
James Prochaska developed Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change; Janice Prochaska disseminated the model. Posted by the University on on October 10, 2017 A University of Rhode Island psychology professor internationally renowned for his pioneering work
Webinar with Dr. Michael Arloski of Real Balance
Webinar with Dr. Michael Arloski of Real Balance On May 26, 2017, Dr Michael Arloski hosted a one-hour interview with James and Janice Prochaska. Please note: The webinar sound does not start until about 2
Holistic Recovery Article in Paradigm Magazine
Holistic Recovery Article in Paradigm Magazine When we asked 150 substance abuse counselors what they thought were the four behaviors accounting for the majority of chronic diseases and premature deaths, they immediately shouted out the
‘Psychology Today’ interview
Don't Just Do It: 'Psychology Today' interview Laurie Helgo, PH./D. published an interview in with James Prochaska in 'Psychology Today' on 1/17/17: "People have become so skeptical about New Year's resolutions, we now have a
Thriving to Recover
In our first blog, we discussed how individuals who seek to recover are having their health and well-being damaged, not only by substance abuse or mental illness. Damage is also being done by two or
Holistic Recovery
Four behaviors account for more than 70% of all chronic diseases, disabilities, and premature deaths. They are smoking, alcohol abuse, unhealthy diet, and inadequate exercise. Why are these Big 4 behaviors so crucial to our
Application of the Transtheoretical Model for Weight Management Interventions through the Use of Web-based Technology
The transtheoretical model of behavior change (TTM), an evidence-based approach commonly used in weight management counseling, involves assessing an individual’s readiness to engage in healthy behaviors. By identifying the individual’s stage of change, a practitioner
Using the Transtheoretical Model to Promote Health Literacy and Shared Decision Making
Janice Prochaska was a featured Guest Blogger on EmmiSolutions.com The passage of the Affordable Care Act and emergence of Patient Centered Medical Homes and Accountable Care Organizations has highlighted the need for expanding the patient