James O. Prochaska & Janice M. Prochaska
Authors, Consultants, Speakers
Welcome to our website. Here you can learn more about who we are and even more about what we do. Some of the photos on the site are from our new home on a small lot surrounded by twenty redwoods.
On our book page you can learn about three previous books that serve as the foundation for building our new one, Changing to Thrive. Our coauthored book follows in the classic footsteps of Changing for Good. Our new book also builds on the biggest and best breakthroughs that have happened in the 20 years since Changing for Good was published.

Teaching a Stages of Change class at Stanford University with our daughter, Dr. Judith J. Prochaska
On our events page you can see samples of upcoming presentations. Our current presentations are increasingly about integrative or holistic health for substance abuse and mental health populations but also for employees, primary care practices, and the public. These presentations reflect the themes in our new book that build from single to multiple behavior changes, from single to multiple domains of well-being and happiness, and from suffering or struggling to thriving.
Our presentations increasingly combine the power of stories with the power of science. This powerful combination is one of the central themes of the new book that Jim is currently writing.
Our blog page is the first opportunity that we will have to share succinctly the ideas, stories, and discussions that excite us the most. This is also the place where we seek to learn from you. What are your ideas, stories, and insights that you have about enhancing health and happiness? What would you like us to discuss more so we can match our messages to your most pressing issues.