Addiction Studies Institute: August 2, 2019

The largest midwest conference of its kind providing an array of dynamic educational sessions for the chemical dependency counselor, social worker, professional

Addiction Studies Institute: August 2, 20192019-05-16T23:16:38+00:00

University of Rhode Island Wellness Conference: – September 14, 2018

We ​invite ​health ​leaders, ​professionals, ​faculty, ​graduate ​students, ​nurses, ​physicians, ​pharmacists, ​psychologists, ​social ​workers, ​health ​coaches ​and ​health ​buffs ​to ​a ​Population ​Health ​Conference ​at ​URI ​on ​September ​14, ​2018. ​ ​ Please ​join ​... (read more and register) 

University of Rhode Island Wellness Conference: – September 14, 20182018-06-05T04:17:27+00:00

2017 Northeast Behavioral Healthcare

4/18/17: Jim will be the keynote speaker at the 2017 Northeast Behavioral Healthcare. Janice will lead a Pre-Conference Institute. This growing conference

2017 Northeast Behavioral Healthcare2018-05-31T15:35:33+00:00

Continuing Integration of Whole Health

5/2/2016: Jim was the Keynote Speaker on Integration of Whole Health: Janice presented a workshop on putting the Transtheoretical Model into practice

Continuing Integration of Whole Health2018-05-31T15:35:33+00:00
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