Changing to Thrive
by James O. Prochaska, Janice M. Prochaska
In this groundbreaking book, James O. Prochaska, PhD, and Janice M. Prochaska, PhD, guide you through a six-stage process designed to help you assess your readiness to change, then tap the inner resources necessary to thrive physically, emotionally, and socially. Backed by countless research studies, the stages of change model, developed by James Prochaska in collaboration with Carlo DiClemente, PhD, has revolutionized the field of behavior change.
Through interactive exercises, Changing to Thrive will help you progress through the stages of change and learn that you have the power within to thrive.
… This book is a welcome refresher course in human psychology and how we can change. It provides a trove of tools to use in guiding a patient through change. We ought to thank the authors for giving us all so much toward the thriving we all clearly seek…
… Who Can Benefit From Reading “Changing To Thrive”?
Anyone who wants to change!
“Changing to Thrive” cover a series of twelve (12) principles of progress, and guides you through all stages from Precontemplation to Termination. You will also find useful tips and exercises in the form of questionnaires that can teach you how to:
-deal with unhealthy habits
-develop healthy and helping social networks
-evaluate and strengthen your commitment to change
-foster positive relationships
-lessen, prevent, and deal with stress
-open yourself to a fuller and happier self
-practice self-liberation and increase personal freedom
…and much more….