4/18/17: Jim will be the keynote speaker at the 2017 Northeast Behavioral Healthcare. Janice will lead a Pre-Conference Institute.
This growing conference gives professionals the opportunity to develop interdisciplinary approaches to treatment. We invite treatment professionals to join us as we focus on “Promoting Change in People, Programs, and Practices.”
Pre-Conference Institute
April 18th (12:30 PM-4:30 PM)
Putting the Transtheoretical Model into
Practice for Whole Health
Presented by:
James O. Prochaska, Ph. D. and
Janice M. Prochaska, Ph. D.
Healthcare reform is moving toward integration, especially for high-need and high-cost populations like those with addiction and behavioral health problems.
Integration requires common models, measures, and methods for changing a small number of behaviors that account for a big percentage of chronic diseases, disabilities, and premature death.
Focus will be on the knowledge and tools that addiction and behavior health specialists need to be integrated into healthcare systems.
This workshop will demonstrate how to apply the principles and processes of change to each stage of change — Precontemplation (not ready), Contemplation (getting ready), Preparation (ready), Action, and Maintenance.
April 19th 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
“Promoting Change in People, Programs,
and Policies”
Keynote: Whole Health for Addictions
Given by: Dr. James O. Prochaska, Ph.D.
Dr. Prochaska’s presentation will review how addressing the five biggest health concerns produces unprecedented impacts to enhance health and well-being. Common principles of change exist for behaviors including smoking, unhealthy diet, sedentary behavior, stress and alcohol misuse. These principles organized around the stages of change can help individuals simultaneously change multiple risk behaviors while enhancing multiple domains of well-being.
Following the keynote, this fully catered event will breakout into tracks covering substance use disorder treatment, Mental health treatment, administration, recreation therapy and recovery services.
Continuing education credits will be available for social workers, Addictions, and Recreation Therapists.
Syracuse Behavioral Healthcare is pleased to be hosting the 2017 Northeast Behavioral Healthcare Conference.